Dr. Victoria Halsey



  • Customer Loyalty
  • Employee Engagement
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Change
  • Team Building

Vicki's Books

Legendary Service: The Key Is to Care
Brilliance by Design
The Hamster Revolution For Meetings
The Hamster Revolution

by Linda Miller, MCC

It’s hard to believe that JFK died 50 ago.  Because of the 50-year mark, there’s been lots of talk about him and his death recently.  He left quite a legacy, as we’re all aware.  Lead & Learn Pic

In preparing to lead a class on coaching around managing and leading, I found an interesting quote:

Leadership and learning are indispensible to one another. 
John F. Kennedy

How very true that is!  As leaders and managers, we need to remember that we learn, too. Learning is not just for the people we lead.  Reading the quote made me think about what I’ve learned, or re-learned, recently:

  1. We’re all leaders in one way or another – at home, in the workplace, in places of faith, in communities, with ourselves. Embracing ourselves as leaders is important.
  2. Leadership is about character and values and living out our values consistently. This builds trust and creates a safe environment for others to do and be their best.
  3. People watch everything that we do.  When our actions and words are aligned, we model congruency and inspire others to do the same.
  4. Each day is a day to be grateful – grateful for what we have, for those who around us, and for the gifts we’ve been given externally and internally.

The words of JFK have made me reflective and thankful, especially at this season, and ready for more learning….how about you?

Read more http://thecoachingsource.com/2013/11/26/leadership-and-learning/